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Developmental Editing for My Fellow Indie Authors

I now have spots open for developmental editing of your manuscript at an affordable price!

This has been a long time coming and I’m thrilled to announce that I am launching my editing business, starting with developmental editing!

Developmental editing differs from copyediting and proofreading in that it doesn’t look to fix grammar. Instead, developmental editing takes place towards the beginning of a novel’s life. Whether after the first or second draft, or the fourth or fifth. Developmental editing can be beneficial when you know there is something missing or out of place, but you can’t quite identify what it is. Or you simply want another pair of experienced eyes on it.

Developmental editing evaluates things like pacing, character arcs, tension, consistency, and readability--to name a few.

How much I am offering this service and why it shouldn't scare you away

After considerable deliberation, I’ve decided to offer this service for $.002 per word.

If your manuscript if 80,000 words, the cost will be $160 with a 2-3 week turnaround. If your manuscript is 100,000 words, the cost will be $200 with a 2-4 week turnaround.

My mission is to make my services accessible to my fellow indie authors and aspiring writers. I understand that this is below the industry standard, but that is intentional.

While this business is new, I am not a new developmental editor.

I have 3 years of experience and many more years of research and studying story craft and the structure of a novel and all of its aspects.

What is the difference between developmental editing and beta reading?

It’s true that you can find someone to beta read your manuscript, but it won’t be as in depth as hiring a developmental editor.

I will thoroughly read through your manuscript checking for consistency errors such as a character’s eye color or name accidentally changing. Or perhaps your character put a coat on during dialogue only to grab said coat off the back of a chair as they walk away. These tiny accidents happen and can be jarring to the reader, pulling them out of the story.

You don’t want that.

After an in depth reading and evaluation of your story structure, I will offer a summary detailing the bigger picture items I would recommend you take a second look at. As well as commenting on the manuscript using Word where I will suggest a change or to bring something to your attention.

A beta reader may not give you as much detail or be as meticulous as I would be.

A beta reader should be used to discern the enjoyment of a casual reader’s experience rather than an aid of story structure.

*There are obviously exceptions to this.

Consider me the next time you've finished a manuscript and are ready to take the next step

Email me with any questions you have or to book your edit.

I will ask you to send me a sample of your manuscript for me to evaluate to verify you want to work with me.

I look forward to working with you and to help unleash the full potential of your story.

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